Individual Therapy

At Forte Counseling Group we believe people possess the inner strength, imagination, and determination to meet life’s challenges, but sometimes we get stuck and forget that we have these abilities.  Individual counseling presents an opportunity to understand your feelings, thoughts and behaviors in a new ways. There are times when the challenges in life may lead to anxiety, hopelessness, depression, helplessness and despair.  You may be feeling frightened, insecure, alone, and lacking direction.  You may feel stuck and unsure of how to make the changes that create more satisfaction.

We can help you work through this. During individual counseling, you meet one-on-one with a professional counselor who is experienced and skilled to help people just like you. They will provide a supportive, collaborative, and confidential environment where you can clarify and deepen your understanding of the issues that are concerning you. We take the time to listen to your problems and understand your situation and help you solve them and help you live a fuller, more joyful, and positive life.

Our therapists are trained in Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Compassion focused Therapy, and person centered models of therapy.

Many of you don’t hesitate to talk to a coach or trainer to help you with your golf swing or fitness program. Think of our therapists as coaches or trainers who want to help you make your life amazing. Our therapists can help you get there. Whether it’s anxiety, hopelessness, depression, helplessness, or despair, therapy is a great tool, as it can reaffirm that you have what it takes to over-come these struggles. We welcome you to contact us HERE to schedule an appointment.